About us

About Us

was founded in 2014 as the online source for continuous information on floating architecture and design.

Published nearly daily by afloat media

About Aquatic Urbanism

We want to be a source of information for architects and city planners and visionairs as wel as being a glossy online magazine to dream away towards a life more aquatic. Or even as an inspiration to travel and visit some of the things admired on this site.

 The Mission

Our mission is to be the comprehensive collection of information on aquatic urbanisation. And to share that information in a beautiful online magazine. Therefore improve life for all the millions of people living in urban coastlines. since people all over the world are still moving towards urbanised cities on the waterfront with an ever rising sea level, these cities have to improve life at the waterfront by moving on the water.

Thank you for visiting us and hope to see you soon for more news or updates on concepts and ideas