dRMM wins Royal Docks Floating Village competition

Royal docks floating village.

royal docks floating village

dRMM are part of a wider team, assembled by Igloo developers, who have won the competition to design UK’s first floating development in east London, royal docks floating village.

Our design is deliberately not an isolated ‘Village’ but a floating part of London. Our proposal seeks to demonstrate the potential of the site for (and beyond) the pilot scheme of 50 residential units, whilst integrating an urban mix of associated commercial, leisure, visitor attraction and cultural spaces. The objective is not only to create an attractive destination but a socially sustainable community that can accommodate future change and growth.

N.B. In today’s issue of the Evening Standard (23.07.14), dRMM were cited as having “experience in designing floating communities at IJburg near Amsterdam”. The Evening Standard are incorrect; we have NOT been involved in the design of IJburg which was designed by Villanova (urban design) and Marlies Rohmer (architecture).


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