This year marks the very first International Conference on Amphibious Architecture, Design & Engineering ICAADE. Today all urban areas are confronted with huge challenges. The rate of growth in urban areas is uncontrolled and very high. the risks with either flooding and at the same time scarcity of clean water for the whole ecosystem including the industry and households are becoming extreme. rising sea levels, climate change and higher pollution levels all will have huge consequence for the way we design our urban areas, cities, neighborhoods, buildings and houses.
The recent experiences have taught us that amphibious architecture is gaining momentum and catalyzing the transformation of our future urban and rural landscapes in order to withstand the changes ahead of us. ICAADE 2015 will provide a forum for the presentation, discussion and sharing of research, knowledge and practical experience governing all relevant aspects of this emerging topic.
The ICAADE wants to promote interaction with all parties involved in this playing field. All architects and designers, engineers and builders, government representatives, educational and humanitarians, polici makers and information collectors. Basically all experts needed to solve the challenges ahead. The conference wants to stimulate debates on aquatic urbanism in the form of amphibious architecture, flood resilience in infrastructure systems and on controversial policy issues. They will welcome delegates from both developing as well as industrialized countries, and they are keen on attracting students.
ICAADE 2015 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, on August 26-29, 2015. A student design workshop will be held prior to the conference, and several post-conference tour options will be available.