Floating Farms Singapore

Floating farms

The Barcelona based architecture firm Forward +hinking Architecture  invented the concept of floating farms. These vertical responsive farms will grow fresh food on a daily cycle. instead of moving thru large greenhouses to farm fresh crops, that are grown on location. The crops are moved by a smart conveyor belt train. so at the entrance of the floating farms the farmer plants his seeds or young crops and then they move put and up into the sunlight. thru a controlled environment like a normal greenhouse the crops grow and move on. by the time the carts come back at the end or beginning of the floating farms they are ready to be harvest and consumed.


By building a network of responsive floating farms a state like Singapore could become 100% self sufficient in its demand for fresh crops. And since the farms float they can be mored around Singapore and therefore overcoming the lack of sufficient vertile land to produce enough fresh food for all the residents of Singapore.


we would be very interested to pursue this concept and want to invite the innovation driven state of Singapore to setup a research & development project for these floating farms. It’s concepts like these floating farms that started the website aquatic urbanism.

Floating farms are responsive agriculture
Floating Responsive vertical Farms
Floating farms a form of responsive agriculture
Floating Responsive vertical Farms
Detailed view of the floating responsive vertical farms
Detailed view of the floating responsive vertical farms
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